We Think That Real Change and Transformation Require Work

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We hear things like, they did a lot of work on themselves. It’s going to take hard work.

Images of years spent meditating in unheated ashrams fill our minds, and other impractical practices beyond our reach…

What if I tell you we first have to make you stop working so hard at “it”?

What if it’s an adventure to unknow what we think we know, and to bring into view the unseen?

What if laughter’s the tool to defang our fears?

What if tears are the rain for the seeds within?

What if we learn to harness ourselves to the energies of the universe so we are carried with grace and ease?

What if transformation takes place while we’re busy filling the cranny between breaths with wonder and love?


Falling Isn’t the Only Way to Feel Alive


We Have a Choice Even When We Feel We Don’t